Oil painting done by Alexander Christian Lauer

Oil painting done by Alexander Christian Lauer

Painting of Art Instructor
Old Hammerdeen

1893 (Date manufactured/created)
1893 (Earliest/Latest dates)
Oil painting on canvas
18in H X 17in W
Alexander Christian Lauer painted this portrait of his art instructor in 1893. It is oil on canvas and 17" wide by 18" tall. The painting is in an oak frame that is 2 1/2" wide. The instructor looks to be wearing a green jacket with kerchief around his neck. He appears to be an older person with graying hair. On the outside front of the frame is a gold placque with Old Hammerdeen in black letters.  The Carl Lauer family lived on Fire Tower Road.  This painting was done by his father.
Given in Memory of Alexander A. Lauer