
Commission from Jonathan Law to Ebenezer Grant regarding the North Company or Trainband in Windsor

1742 (Date manufactured/created)
May 13 2003
This document is from "Jonathan Law Esq, Governor and Commander in Chief of His Majesties Colony in Connecticut in New England" according to the opening sentence. The document accepts Grant as captain of the North Company or Trainband on the east side of the Connecticut River in Windsor. The document is signed on the bottom left by the secretary, George Wyllys, and Jon. Law. It is written in cursive with ink on thick paper that has yellowed and has an irregular edge. The document preserves its 4 vertical and 3 horizontal creases from when it was mailed as well as the date and to whom/from whom the document was sent on the reverse side. Half of a red wax seal is presearved on the text side of the document to the left.