
Daniel Howard Scrapbook

2005 (Date manufactured/created)
1697 – 1851 (Date manufactured/created)
Loose-leaf notebook (black, 10.5" x 11.5") containing photographs of the scrapbook created by Daniel Howard at the time of the 300th Anniversary of the founding of Windsor in 1933 and the Connecticut State Tercentenary in 1935. These photographs of the pre-conservation scrapbook were taken by curator Erin Stevic and are on a DVD and also available at: M:\Library & Archives05.1.56_howard scrapbook

The documents are dated 1697-1851, although most are from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Items include bills and receipts, lists of polls and estates, complaints, warrants, lists of supplies and provisions, printed Acts & Laws of the General Assembly, and correspondence. An brief index was included at the end of the scrapbook and a more detailed listing has been compiled for the finding aid and is available in the library. See this at: G:\VOLUNTEER WORK FILES\Research Resources and Documents\Finding Aids\Daniel Howard Scrapbook contents list

Dismantlement of the scrapbook and conservation of each of the idividual documents was done at New England Document Conservation Center in Andover, Mass. in 2005-2006. Details in the object file.